Artist Portfolio Development


Does your art portfolio reach your current level of expertise?
Are your target market(s) clearly defined?
Is your artist portfolio attracting and selling?
Confused about which online art portfolio solution conforms best to your selling goals?

For over twenty years I have been helping artists and photographers (and other creative professionals) to define their target markets and to position their portfolios for increased attraction and sales.

Portfolio Development Includes:

1) Review your portfolio: To Expand Your Vision

2) Build Continuity: To Articulate Your Vision

3) Create an Action Plan: To Fulfill Your Vision

Order as package or separately:

Session 1: Portfolio Review
Objective: To review your overall portfolio for stronger impact in the marketplace. While staying true to your intuitive core, we will define your target market(s), analyze your images for strength and continuity, and clarify how to capture attention within each target category. We will review your branding strategy and art marketing plan with an eye toward increased visibility in alignment with your goals. We will determine which off- and online art portfolio solutions are optimal for your medium, vision and targets.

(Email me your question about Portfolio Development Services, or Click here for a complete list of Gateways Coaching Services.)

Session 2: Continuity
Objective: Based upon the artist portfolio consultation, we will re-organize your existing work and brainstorm concepts that will elevate your existing art portfolio. This session will encourage you to lean into your edge creatively, to take sensible new risks that will result in a cohesive visual plan for each target market category.

(Email me your question about Portfolio Development Services, or Click here for a complete list of Gateways Coaching Services.)

Session 3: Action Plan
Objective: To refine and implement the decisions generated from session two. To make final selections from existing images, or new concepts that promise to advance the strength and continuity of your artist presentation. To perform changes and set reasonable deadlines for implementing the next steps of your offline or online art portfolios.

Come work with me to elevate your artist portfolio and succeed in your target market(s)!
Portfolio Develoment Package: $675.00
Each Segment is available as a single option for $275.00

” Barbara’s seasoned visual eye had a major impact on my art portfolio; now decidedly stronger and more cohesive. ”
–Teri, Painter


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